Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rule by the Mob

When the Government of the young United States was being created by the founding fathers, a main case against democracy was that it would result in mob rule. Shay's Rebellion made this potential outcome of democracy far too clear. A safe medium was created between anarchy and monarchy, however, and everyone lived happily ever after, well, sorta. Skip forward 230 years or so years, and the threat of a government run by a mob is once again a potential future, just not to the extent of the threat back then. As the nature of the two presidential campaigns comes into clearer and clearer view, it is easy to tell apart the two different type of crowds. Many of McCain's supporters are republicans who are just along for the ride and prefer his running mate to him, essentially being Palin-McCain supporters. The Obama crowd, on the other hand, are incredibly enthusiastic, and for the leader of the campaign as well. In 'What Have We Created',  Howard Fineman assesses what may become of Obamaniacs if their hero is to win next tuesday. The Obama Campaign owes its existence to volunteers, enthusiastic young voters, and grassroots organizing. As Fineman puts it "The bottom line is 3.1 million contributers, 5 million volunteers, 2.2 million facebook supporters... Obama could end up "knowing" 7 million voters by election day, roughly 1 in 10 of Obama's likely total" these masses of people really expect something from Obama in the ways of governing, but they also expect their participation to continue into the White House. These people are extremely loyal to Obama, but if let down they could start to turn on him. Although Democracy means run by the people, Obama has to find a way to control his followers and not let them get power hungry. If he is able to find a way to still include millions in the oval office while still keeping control, Obama could revolutionize American Democracy and make the founding fathers proud.

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