Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Native American Sings national anthem at DNC

I was just cruising what the kids call 'the interweb' during some of my free time. and I came across an article with a single line that made me think. the single line was from the Democrats convention schedule, it simply said that a Rosebud Sioux indian named Robert Moore was scheduled to sing the national anthem. I tried to delve deeper into this bit of news, but after exhausting searches, I couldnt find anything more than one line about it and a few pictures. None of the mainstream media had anything about it, but my searches did yield dozens of Indian websites covering the simple act with lengthy articles and coverage. I found it a bit unfortunate that this interesting bit of information lost the spotlight to Obama and Mccain, just as many other news stories have been made seemingly insignificant by the election race. Dont get me wrong, I love to hear about the two nominees as much as the next guy, but I was just a little disappointed this didnt get more news coverage, as it should be.

1 comment:

Mr. Lawler said...

Interesting that you had to go to particular sites (those of Native Americans) to find more information on this story, but in a sense, this seems to illustrate so much of what we've been discussing the last few weeks. Nice post.