Sunday, September 28, 2008

Palin Is Ready? Please.

In this opinion article written by Fareed Zakaria from the October 6, 2008 Newsweek, it is argued that McCains choice of Palin as a running mate goes against his 'country first' policy and that Palin is simply not ready to be a vice president, much less be president. Zakaria uses specific  examples from interviews with Palin to demonstrate her incompetence and inexperience in a wide range of topics, specifically her Russian comments and her knowledge on the current financial status. The writer uses logos to appeal to readers through his critiquing and analysis of Palin's recent speeches and interviews. Zakaria links these exapmles of inexperience to the Mccain's campiagn habit of keeping Palin away from the public. He says 'the more palin talks, the more we realize it may be common sense that's causing the Mccain campiagn to treat her like a time bomb'. Zakaria gives these examples in hopes of raising questions and concerns among readers about sarah palin, and furthermore, Mccains 'country first' slogan. If Mccain had chosen Palin as a campaign strategy instead of as a plan for the country, Mccains validity would be seriously in question.

1 comment:

Al Co said...

McCain’s acts of keeping Sarah Palin out of the spotlight could stem from his idea that she is in fact unqualified to be vice president and is just using her as a campaign strategy. To be fair one could also argue that keeping her out of the spotlight could be because he is knowledgeable of her inability to clearly articulate her ideas, which does not speak to him of her qualifications.