Sunday, February 1, 2009

Congratulating the 'Daddy' of all Republicans

When I think of satire, I usually think of "The Daily Show" or "The Colbert Report", and only recently have I begun to think of Mark Twain in that sense too. Satire seems to often be a smaller or less influential figure attacking a larger idea, such as Mark Twain satirizing all of the south. So it me by surprise when I came upon a somewhat influential person taking on another of about equal status. I dont know why, but i found it very amusing to read, even though it doesnt seem to be written with the purpose of highly entertaining the reader. Here, in "A History Lesson for Rush Limbaugh", CNN's James Carvil attack's Limbaugh with heavy sarcasm a dash of juxtaposition and a bit of exaggeration. It would have been easy for me to read over this just a few months ago and maybe only just pick up on a bit of sarcasm, but while reading the article I felt like i was reading what Carvil meant instead of just reading what he wrote. And I have to thank Twain and AmStud for my sharpened satire senses. Now with my super satire senses, I can read beneath the seemingly innocent words and into the sarcasm and mockery which lies beneath.

1 comment:

Mr. Lawler said...

You are a Super-Satire Superhero.

You should wear a t-shirt with 3 letter "S's"