Monday, February 23, 2009

Worse than the Great Depression?

I just came accross this article by Jack Cafferty bringing up and explaining a quote by a leading financial investor, George Soros. Soros claims that the financial crisis we are in is worse than even the Great Depression. Soros said that "The economy went into freefall and is still falling and we dont know where the bottom will be until we get there and there's no sign that we are anywhere near a bottom". He also says that our problems originate in the 1980's with deregulation, and that now is the begining of the end of the free market. As we start our unit exploring financial situations, it should be remembered that each system of an economy has its risks, and that each one controls the ordinary John and Sally. No form of economy is safe from risks, the largest example of Communism failed in the early 90's, and now we, the free market, are in a crisis. Thats not to say that we will plunge into chaos and anarchy, as is mentioned in the article, we have much more safe nets and are no where near the statistics of 25% unemployment of the Great Depression. But no one knows how our example of the free market could turn out after this crisis, it could turn into something we barely even notice. The fact is that there is no perfect form of economy where everyone lives in harmony and peace, People can only try.

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