Monday, February 16, 2009

The Ultimate Exaggerated Holiday

Recently, that holiday we all love or hate just came and went. Obviously, I am talking about Valentine's Day, the so-called 'Hallmark Holiday'. I think it is fair to call it that, since around this time of year we are bombarded with commercials to buy our loved ones this or that. And I have little problem with commercials for cards, flowers, chocolate, or even jewelry, because this kind of stuff is what people are looking for on Valentine's day. You cant really get angry at marketers for advertising things for a holiday which are in demand, but I think the reason many people hate the holiday is because of those other guys that try and adjust their random product to fit into the theme of hearts and roses and proceed to attempt to sell it with a special "one time offer" Valentine's Day theme. Valentine's day was a prime chance for marketers to sell and exaggerate their products. I really saw an Officemax commercial based for Valentine's Day products. It might just be me who thinks it, but whoever resorts to buying paper and staples for their significant other for Valentine's Day ought to get their priorities straight. In today's world, marketers try and find every reason to convince people to buy their stuff, and it doesnt even matter if their product has no relation to the event to begin with; as long as you can market it to the widest range of people and make it look so much more appealing than it really is. Holidays like Valentine's day are so often used to sell products which are over incredibly over romanticized that we forget the true meaning of February the 14th, which is that other meaning of romanticism, (and of course to buy roses and Hallmark cards). Anything further than that is just ridiculous.

1 comment:

Jeannie Logan said...

I think there can be no greater expression of one's love for another than giving them printer paper and paper clips.